Kimber 8TC beater?

Hi Guys,

Need your help in recommending speaker cables that will beat the 8TCs in terms of a fuller and bigger (image size and soundstage). Preferably in the same price rage or maybe slightly higher.

Slight correction to my previous post: The reference to "paralleling two 2-conductor pairs" should have said "paralleling two IDENTICAL 2-conductor pairs."

HDM, thanks for the providing the reference. A statement in it that is worthy of note is: "Connecting the conductors as diagonal pairs greatly reduces mutual inductance, even though cross-talk interferance [sic] is negligible."

-- Al
@Loftarasa...I happen to chance upon a used pair of the 8TC and it seems that a new pair of cryo'ed mogami 3104 from TakeFive is about the same price. Decisions...decisions. Now that the price differential is out of the equation...which would better suit my needs?

Thanks for your patience.

Vivid imaging but clean/lean sound - 8TC
Solid imaging, balanced, weighted sound - 3104

You could get both then sell on the one you don't like.
At least you'll know! :)
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