Kimber 8TC beater?

Hi Guys,

Need your help in recommending speaker cables that will beat the 8TCs in terms of a fuller and bigger (image size and soundstage). Preferably in the same price rage or maybe slightly higher.

IME, cryo generally makes treble smoother and bass deeper :)

The best (and most expensive) speaker cable I ever owned was a British one called Townshend Isolda. It is luscious sounding, with massive soundstaging and very deeeeeep bass. I learned some time later that it was originally a copy of the copper ribbon Goertz MI3, but with a built in Zoebel network (I think Al talks about it in an earlier post) and that it was cryo'd.

Going on memory, when I heard Goertz MI3 natively, it was fair-good, but not WOW! like the Townshend. I can only attribute this to the cryo, I guess.

Put another way, I also had some cryo 3104 from TakeFive and it's the basis for my recommendation. I've not heard non-cryo 3104.

Reading TakeFive's page on their cryo, I see some of the characteristics called out that I mentioned:

However, they also indicate it doesn't seem to always work on every cable out there.
@Zd542...Thank you so much for taking the time to explain.'s time the retire the Supras and try something different.
@Loftarasa and all...for the 3104...TakeFive offers a "bi wire" option. Not two separate cables. It's 2 leads at the amplifier end and 4 leads at the speaker end. If I were to go with that...I will connect 2 leads to the mids and 2 leads to the woofer (separate module...I have the Hyperion 938). I would then use jumpers to jump from the mid to the tweeter.

Another option would be to get the 3104 in a standard at the amp and 2 leads at the speaker end. I would then have to get 2 sets of 3104 jumpers and jump one set from the mid to the tweeter and one set from the mid to the woofer. This would be a more expensive would have to get an extra set of jumpers and one set would have to be longer than the standard length of inches and 2 set of jumpers will be connected to a separate module.

Your thoughts?

PS Thank you for your patience knowledge in hifi is very very limited.
Oh blimey, these speakers are 3 ways for tri-wiring. What a pain.

I'd go for the biwire option + pair of jumpers.

You could also phone/email Gene at TakeFive for any other advice.
@Loftarasa...yeah, it's really a it sounds thin and smallish to boot...:(

I really appreciate all your help and advice...:)
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