Purist Audio Power Cables

Looking for some thoughts. I have pass labs amp, pre amp and oppo 105 front end. I demo'd many cables and decided and purchased Purist Audio Musaeus Luminist interconnects and Speaker cables. I was then introduced to PAD Power cables.. and I was Blown away. Since... i've now got Praesto Canorus on amp and Venustas on pre and blu ray. All lengths are 1.5M and run each from a seperate circuit from wall. It was mentioned that I should try a PAD LE into their new power extender box then connect my existing cables to units. Any thoughts on whats best.. ie using a box, or would a LE into amp and say Canorus be better?
As my good friend Skwisgaar Skwigelf, the world's premier
audio expert from the Netherlands told me: "Purists haves the
blackests blacks. Alsos, theys haves the mosts realistics
soundstages. Mosts powercords makes the images toos bigs and
makes instruments sounds wrongs. Whens I hears this, I says
"hahahahaha". It's the Americans sounds. Theys
likes everythings biggers than lifes. Buts Purists haves the
mosts naturals sounds. Alls you haves to do is listens".
Skwisgaar knows.
I have to agree... they completely changed my system. My goal is to get everything out of what i have. I've heard PAD LE is amazing... i guess demo is only way to go.. thecableco here i come..