Which cables would work best?

Hello Audiogon! I read the forums and the online magazines and always wonder about the cable reviews. How can I discover what all of the hype is about - It's easy to see it's a controversial topic. I have read promising reviews about cable brands such as Cardas, TARA Labs, and Transparent. I admit I’m leaning towards TARA due to many awards I’ve seen in Absolute Sound magazine. Cardas also seems to be pretty good also. Any advice on which cables would best suit my system. I have a modest system, with the new Sony Digital front end (brilliant), Bryston electronics and B&W loudspeakers. I've also posted this in a handful of other forums just to get general idea. Thank you
Be modest in your first attempts as the costs can and will frustrate. Try getting a high purity, soft annealed silver wire and use an oversized teflon tube so as to minimize contact with the wire and don't use any terminations.

See how that works out for you. You might be pleasantly surprised.

All the best,
Nonoise is correct, you can try George Amadi Silver Cables, they fit that criteria perfectly, very reasonable, fabulous sound and great guy. ama7gr@yahoo.com
You can make your own silver speaker cables at a fraction of the cost of name brands -- and with superior SQ.