Norah Jones

I'm watching a live show on PBS right now and I have to ask myself, how does this girl write so much amazing music? I watched one of her live shows last year and was absolutely floored by her performance but most of all the sheer beauty of her music. Any fans out there? She truly flies under the radar considering her high level of talent as a songwriter and musician.
I understand totally what I am saying. The above two posts are simply an argument in favor of bad taste for all .

This is the ancient view of the Philistine. To save the uneducated the bother of looking it up I quote the Oxford,"a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts or who has no understanding of them".
Once again you misread. The example cited in the Wiki article references giving WW2 soldiers the third best weaponry. The Germans had the best tanks, but the US and the Russians had more tanks. In this case of recent history the good triumphed over the great. Would you rather have had it the other way?
I don't get your point Schubert. You are comparing arguably the greatest jazz singer ever (not from me for sure) with two contemporary singers that would most likely be the first to cringe at your silly comparison. Just because they are successful maybe or is it the taste of the masses that you are digging at? I mean come on Schubert, some things are so obvious they don't need to be said. We don't need acknowledgement of that in-law of yours. What REALLY belongs on the trash heap is your mean spirited comment and lack of class, come on dude!

PS I WOULD argue that Ella could keep time with any of the best, so there!
I started this thread expecting to hear from fans who recognize her as a great talent. If you think she's mediocre and that none of us who like her have a clue as to what a talented musician is, I've just gained an impression of you I hope nobody ever has of me.

How is she all of a sudden being compared with Sarah Vaughn? Are you drinking before 5 O'clock?