Czarivey you really make some excellent points about the business side of the music biz and how someone could be one of the choosen few based on the criteria you've outlined but wouldn't you agree that for sustainability in this business there has to be something more than can be encapsulated in some kind of formula?
Why has Madonna remained relevant for 30 years? Why did Bobby Sherman and the Partridge Family (David Cassidy) last a few years? There are many factors in the equation to sustained success that IMHO you haven't covered although it is quite obvious to me that you certainly know a bit about the subject. Norah Jones, love her or not has passed the stage of a "packaged" product to make a few bucks, the business side. She is still relevant, folks like her regardless of the things she had going for her from the start, looks, connections etc. There has to be more, a genuine talent to keep folks coming back for more. Maybe it's nothing more than determination on the part of the artist or even a great manager, or producer. But beyond even those things there has to be sustainable appeal and talent in some part or parcel to maintain success and revelancy. I doubt there will ever be a formula to get that one right all the time.
Why has Madonna remained relevant for 30 years? Why did Bobby Sherman and the Partridge Family (David Cassidy) last a few years? There are many factors in the equation to sustained success that IMHO you haven't covered although it is quite obvious to me that you certainly know a bit about the subject. Norah Jones, love her or not has passed the stage of a "packaged" product to make a few bucks, the business side. She is still relevant, folks like her regardless of the things she had going for her from the start, looks, connections etc. There has to be more, a genuine talent to keep folks coming back for more. Maybe it's nothing more than determination on the part of the artist or even a great manager, or producer. But beyond even those things there has to be sustainable appeal and talent in some part or parcel to maintain success and revelancy. I doubt there will ever be a formula to get that one right all the time.