Beck / Morning Phases

You might as well add it to Audiogon Recordings To Die For list. This recording has it in spades,wall to wall sound,layers of imaging and the music sounds like Sea Change. a handfull songs sound like Pink Floyd but without Gilmour's guitar, two of them Morning and Turn Away,the vocal mix has me reaching for my Moody Blues albums.Other songs are very intimate classic Beck. This so far is the masterpiece of 2014. Oh yeah this is from the CD,I'm waiting on my vinyl copy.
His vocal work on Phase is quite strong... the first track is a carpon copy of *Golden Age ...some nice studio trickery/atmosperics...too early to tell if this has the staying power of Sea Change...that was a unique at times magical LP.Production wise it is stellar.
Qdrone, Thanks or the heads up. Listening to the full album on youtube. Going to put this on my list to buy on vinyl
I find it interesting that so many people, including friends and members of my family consider Sea Change depressing. I see the sadness in many of the songs, but I love it. I have noticed over many years that I am attracted to music that others consider dark.
I will have to get the new one. I do hope that I like it more than Lse does.
been listening to this more, and i'm revising my initial impressions upwards--the songs are there, and as others have commented it's sonically excellent. i still struggle with his voice--he uses the same unnatural-sounding baritone on each track and i keep wondering how great the record would be with a really good nuanced singer.
Qdrone, Thanks or the heads up. Listening to the full album on youtube. Going to put this on my list to buy on vinyl