Goodbye Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger died tonight at age 94. A music and political visionary. He used to come to sing and teach at my upstate New York summer camp. He influenced and touched more people in one day of his life than I've been able in sixty years of mine. Where have all the flowers gone? Farewell.
I just heard this. Still crying. He will be missed; thankfully, we will still have samples of his music.

A truly unique talent and an absolute giant of a man. I was privileged to see him perform in person several times -- both alone and with The Weavers -- and those occasions remain some of the highlights of my musical experiences.
One of a kind and the end of an era--it's amazing he was here for so long. The superlatives have all been used up, so words truly fail to express the greatness of this man and the tragedy of the loss. The more you know about him the more you appreciate him. May he live on in our hearts (and in our ears).