WoW, WoW , Wow Sun Kil Moon/Benji

Sun Kil Moon's new album is really outstanding!!It's Called Benji, and it is on Spotify now if you would like to sample it. I had never really listened to this group, but have now listened to a couple of albums.I also listened to Mark Kozelek previous band called Red House Painters, and their album of the same name , with a 1 following the title from 1993,it is also very good and interesting!!
Benji is STELLAR!! If you have not heard of the album or Sun Kil Moon, enjoy this fine release, and let us know what your impressions are.
Also as I am new to these bands, please let me know what albums are your favorites?
Have you ever seen Mark,or Sun Kil Moon in concert?
Now, a small warning. His songs are long, most over 6 minutes.
I have April and Tiny Cities BY SKMoon...both excellent...saw RHP live in Seattle in 93? at the Crocodile....good times.....
mark kozolek is a brilliant player/singer/writer, but comes off as an incredible dick live--hostile, abrasive and hugely self-absorbed. some people wear the cloak of genius differently, i guess.
anyway, i checked out the new skm album and it really is a masterpiece of its type, although almost painfully hyperpersonal/raw. i'm also a big fan of tiny cities (which is completely reworked covers of songs by the guy from modest mouse) and the rhp's old ramon.