Good Recommendations For Scat Singing Please

I'd like some recommendations of good scat singing. Which Ella albums contain good scatting? Any other singers with good scatting ability? Not interested in Armstrong...his scatting does nothing for me.

I should have been clearer in my original post.

This thread only applies to jazz singers.

Mr. Khan is not a jazz singer...any discussion of him is not relevant to this thread.
Tania Maria - 66 year old jazz bandleader, composer, pianist and vocalist from Brazil who sings in both Portuguese and English (with a very pronounced Portuguese accent). Most of her music is very high energy, lots and lots of percussion. Her music leans a little more to the instrumental side than the vocal side but not by much.

Even if you've never heard of her, trust me, Tania Maria is a true jazz master. She has recorded about 25 albums mostly on the Concord label. She does scat quite a bit on the 4 albums I have (The Lady from Brazil, Bela Vista, Come with Me, Outrageous). The Bela Vista album would be an excellent place to start with nine tracks (2 are covers and 7 are original compositions). Every one of the nine tracks involves scat singing, some a little, some a lot.
Very familiar with Tania Maria. It has been nearly 30 years since I've heard any of her music. I have 'Made In New York' and 'Come With Me'. I think I'll create a Pandora station of her to re-familiarize myself with her other albums.
"Mel was an outstanding musician and the most underrated jazz singer in history."
