Men & Women & Bass

My wife was relating to me that a friend of a friend (female)had recently "thrown-up" after going to a rock concert. I forget which one, maybe Cher, popular music anyway. I was pretty sure it was caused from that feeling in the stomach/chest area generated by bass in the 50-100hz region. In my college days I took a girl to see my friend's band who had a great PA at the time, with plenty of low-end kick. After a short while I had to take her home, because she said the drum kick bass was making her queasy.
So, I am just wondering if other people have insight to this phenomenom? I know I have not encountered any females that are into subs and woofers in general. But than again, I never run across any females that even have any interest in high-end, but I live in a small city, and don't get out much either. Why is it that men seem to love that "effect"
that T-Rex type bass seems to provide? Is it sexual, mental, neither? I have also heard that low enough bass can also be used as a type of weapon, bursting you from the inside out.
I guess it took a woman like Judit to figure out what the "real deal" really was : ) Sean
Power, shmower: This man has no use for HT-variety "T-REX" bass (or the movies it comes in).
(But T. Rex, now that's another story - Marc Bolan forever, jeepsters! :-)
A friend and fellow bass player discovered some old army research on how sub-bass (i think in the 8 hz region) could rattle a human's internal organs and at a certain level incapacitate them. aparently they abandoned the project when they realized how much power it would take .. it got impractical.

Anyway, my friend become obsessed with the project and made it his goal to put together a bass and stage amp that could put out thousands of wats at 8hz and earn him the ultimate in visceral audience reactions: a whole room full of fans puking after his solo.

I'm not sure how far he got with the project.
