Great Trumpet Players and Albums - recommendations

I'm looking for well recorded masterpiece of trumpet albums. Can you recommend a few players and their albums. I like the trumpet performance in "Hope" by Hugh Masekela.

Happy listening! Thanks.
I have always liked the albums on the CTI label. Some have felt that they were not true Jazz, which I don't quite understand.
My favorite of that catalog so far is Freddie Hubbard's "First Light".
Freddie said this was the album that he was the most proud of.
I can surely see why!!
I agree about "First Light"; "Red Clay" is a another good one. CTI was criticized by jazz "purists" for being too commercial. It is true that many of their recordings were cross-over, jazz-fusion or whatever one wants to call the genre; and some, like the Bob James recordings were fairly "lite". However, some like Freddie Hubbard's, were really good jazz recordings even if they possessed some r&b and funk elements. Unfortunately, some people lump all CTI artists together as being less than serious jazz players because some, well, are.