What do you void listening?

Which songs or bands tell you to move to the next channel or change record or CD?
My alphabet starts from
Air Supply -- replace with something else IMMEDIATELY!
Sam Cooke believe it or not
Barry Manilow
Luis Armstrong
Neil Young
Bob Dylan
Rolling Stones
Most of Beatles.
I understand your point, and I have no problem with it. I was just saying, that public / world opinion on American intervention, is viewed as good, or bad, depending upon whose ox is being gored.

Back to regular programming.

04-24-14: Schubert
One day coming in from a hard patrol in Vietnam I heard the great Swedish tenor Jussi Borling sing the "Un bel Di" aria from Madam Butterfly on short-wave from Australia, it froze me like a deer in the headlights.
Schubert, are you sure you have that correct? I've never heard of "Un Bel Di Vedremo" from "Madama Butterfly" being sung by a male. Might you have been referring to "Come Un Bel Di Di Maggio" from "Andrea Chenier"?

Best regards,
-- Al
Of course you are right Al, I had just listened to Bjorling's great Butterfly with Victoria De Los Angles and had a brain freeze.
The aria I should have said was "Nessun Dorma " .
Anyone who thinks that Pavarotti was the last word on this needs to listen to the aria sung by Bjorling, on You Tube if nothing else.
Meaning NO disrespect to the great Luciano, who I love, you will receive a master class on the difference between singing loud and singing good.
Czarivey, I'll take you at you word but you did say "I don't even care how they treat their own women and children" which is a bit callous.