Men & Women & Bass

My wife was relating to me that a friend of a friend (female)had recently "thrown-up" after going to a rock concert. I forget which one, maybe Cher, popular music anyway. I was pretty sure it was caused from that feeling in the stomach/chest area generated by bass in the 50-100hz region. In my college days I took a girl to see my friend's band who had a great PA at the time, with plenty of low-end kick. After a short while I had to take her home, because she said the drum kick bass was making her queasy.
So, I am just wondering if other people have insight to this phenomenom? I know I have not encountered any females that are into subs and woofers in general. But than again, I never run across any females that even have any interest in high-end, but I live in a small city, and don't get out much either. Why is it that men seem to love that "effect"
that T-Rex type bass seems to provide? Is it sexual, mental, neither? I have also heard that low enough bass can also be used as a type of weapon, bursting you from the inside out.
Yeah, this makes me feel like puking too, but that's because of the (lack of) *quality* of the bass, not the *quantity*. (In fact, that same description always seems to apply to the music too, come to think of it. :-)
Well..hate to burst theories...but T-Rex was known for buttering both sides of his toast...if u know what I am saying...and anybody who has ever been clubbing knows "bottom boys" dig bass pumpin electronic music...just for the record...I am not a switch hitter....I dig chicks...
What can I say...I am the daddy Mac...ha ha ha...and dont have any kids...or...none that I know about...