Computer Do Over

So, the Dell CPU died today. We have most of our cd's on itunes in Apple Lossless and have most of them saved on an external hard drive. We thought it was broken but turns out it is okay and the computer is fried, so we will start over. We run a Squeezebox with a DAC for this. MY question is considering a complete do over - do we stay with PC or go to a MAC? We are reading up on Mac Mini - and wondering if this is the way to go. What is Snow Leopard and is this needed? Appreciate any thoughts and suggestions.
if your files are on another mac, just link to the mac, present the hd on the imac, and start copying. to start this, go to GO, then Connect to Server from the menu bar. type in your ip addr of the mac you want to attach. if you don't know it, then go to the remote mac under the apple and click "about this mac". then click "more info", then click network. use the ipv4 address associated with your ethernet connection. then you will either get prompted for which hard drive you want to link to or if there is only 1, it will show up on your imac. open it up, and start copying things to your new imac.
Rbstenho, her files were on an external HD that was connected to the now-dead Dell, rather than on another Mac. That's why I suggested that she connect the external HD to the new Mac.

So, the hard drive didn't work right either for some reason, so we are back to importing all the cd's again in lossless....this is becoming a regular hobby for us..
loving the Imac .... now here's the question - is the squeezebox sounding better with the mac than it did with the pc? Or was I having one of those late night listening experiences where everything just sounds crisper, clearer with more depth because I haven't listened for a week or so...? I swear it sounds better!