Herbie Hancock best recordings

Hey HH fans, I'm looking for his best recordings and in particular if there is a worthwhile best of that qualifies as excellent. I'm looking for a somewhat wide soundstage in a fairly intimate live setting - not really any studio stuff unless it's incredibly well done which wouldn't surprise me.

Educate me on the topic of Herbie if you feel so inclined. I've been a fan of his for 35 years, but have sworn off throwing $$ at great recordings and audio equipment until now. Would love to fill my apt with his excellent sounds.

No need to contribute mentions of other artists unless HH is involved. I already have great recordings of many others.

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Intimate live setting - no, studio - yes, incredibly well done - yes, wide soundstage - yes: HH's The New Standard. So it meets two of the original poster's four criteria. I love this one, it's as fresh as anything HH has done.