Your favourite recording label?

Is there a a label you have found pretty much infallible? I mean by this, you could buy any CD or record and know you will enjoy it, both for the music, most important and recording quality. I am not including here, reissue labels like Speakers Corner. We are talking of new recordings and music

I have found a number which nealy hit that mark. In no particular order, Linn, Waterlilly, ECM and Opus 3.

My top pick is without a doubt, the German label Stockfisch. That is partly because they major on Singer, Songwriters, a genre I love. My favourite artists on the label are;
Sara K
David Munyon,
Allan Taylor
Eugene Ruffulo
Chris Jones
There are other excellent artists to and good compilations you could start with. My favourite of all, Sara K "Waterfalls"

So do you have a favourite label?
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Larry beat me to it! I was about to say that although it only existed under its original ownership from about 1975 to 1985, and it had a relatively limited catalog, the French classical label Astrée was so good musically and sonically (in LP form, at least) that it gets my top vote.

I was also about to give an honorable mention to Harmonia Mundi France.

Best regards,
-- Al
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