"The Breeze"

I received this yesterday, and I'm greatly disappointed. The pressing is of poor quality, and the music fairly uninspiring.

I've been a fan of EC for most of my adult life, and I expected better of him. And, it's only three sides!

Side one is pressed like the leadout grooves on some LP's, they waver in and out more than a quarter of an inch, throwing pitch out the window.

Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
How much was the record?

I see my local B&M audio shop asking $30 a pop for most releases. You would expect good quality for that price but never a guarantee with records. Its old technology reborn that is probably well past its prime in terms of value and quality assurance. A lot of it seems to be about squeezing as much additional profit out of old releases as possible in today's cchallenging (to make a profit) music industry.

Until I see evidence of better results, buyer best beware.

I will stick to trying to find old good quality vinyl releases on the cheap at Goodwill, yard sales, whenever I might have the chance. THere is a lot of good sound and value to be discovered still there.
got a copy of it from Amazon which was in good condition. Yes it is only three sides I was surprised about that too. Maybe you got a bad copy, can you return it for a good one ?

Good Listening,

Three sides? Now that's something completely different! :^)

Put some bonus tracks on that fourth side, for God's sake!
I've had the CD version for a few weeks now and have
listened to it several times through.

The first few songs are pretty good, but it does indeed go
downhill from there.

I also had high expectations, but overall, I am disappointed
in the music.

I was going to get the vinyl, if I liked the CD, but I think
I've changed my mind.