Led Zepplin Mothership vs. hi-res vs. newest

Time to get in on the LZ remasters but so many versions

Anybody compare these?

Mothership on vinyl
Hi-Res downloads from HD Tracks
newest reissues of LZ 1-3 in Deluxe and Super Deluxe versions

I just played some songs from the Mothership CD and then the same songs from the HiRez download.
I would say that the Mothership CD has a slightly hotter treble.
If I would have to choose one over the other, I would take the HiRez. It has a better overall finished sound.

Overall though, both versions sound similar and are the best these recordings have been able to sound.
Ozzy- with due respect, do you mean 'that you've heard'? Or are you limiting your conclusion that these are 'the best' strictly to digital format (both master and playback)? My conclusions are limited entirely to vinyl, so I'm not trying to cross swords on your position, but the early records (and some of the Classics) sound vastly better than the 2014 vinyl, FWIW.
Whart, The only other comparison I have is the 1994 CD releases, the boxed set cd set where the songs were all jumbled and the original LP's in which I haven't played for 30 years and that was on inferior equipment.

I guess based on any digital recorded version that I have heard, the HiRez and Mothership are the best versions thus far.