"Why Do Musicians Still Need Record Companies?"
Another factor is the recordings themselves. Very few musicians have the ability to record an album as well as a record company can.
"09-30-14: Martykl
Truth is, they don't. Which is why record companies are bleeding to death. But...."
The record companies are bleeding to death because they did a really bad job with audio. Instead of marketing based on the quality of the product, they chose to sell on features. An mp-3 player can hold a million songs, the ipod is tiny, you can easily transfer music from one device to another. Those types of things. While those are great features to sell the product, is was a big mistake to not include sq in all this.
If you look at video, its the complete opposite. Why is DVD better than VHS? Picture quality. Why is Blue Ray better than DVD? Picture quality. With video, value in the product is created. With audio, they devalued the product.