Well, worst of is really what this is about

Name a very overrated item -- whether a speaker, an amp, cable or treat Was it positively bad or just was it on a par with various items at much lower price points? I'm interested in both items that you could never get to work and, more interestingly, just bad items.
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but here are three items that I think were over rated. (Sorry to admit that I never owned them myself, but of course that would only be natural given that I regarded these things as over rated.)

To be fair, perhaps there are members who owned these and liked them.

Totem Beak
Shun Mook Mpingo Disc
Tice Clock
Jameswei, did you at least use these products before deciding they were over rated?
Sorry to say, I did not get around to auditioning these products.

My opinions are based solely on reviews I have read about them, as well as reading their manufacturers' ad copy.

There are so many products, and I have had to be selective about what I would spend my time listening to. I had to screen out a lot of products just based on what I had read -- like "Gee, I know I'm not gonna like this one, so I'm not gonna spend time listening to it."

As I said, perhaps there are people who have owned and like them. I'd be interested in reading any of their opinions.
Dedicated Branch Circuits for each of device in our systems. Very over rated. Hey, all the circuits are connected to the same grounding means, by code!
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