Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?

Entreq and other products boast conditioning the ground to help improve the sound. Being completely clueless about anything electrical, I am very curious what the theory is behind this product and technically how it can improve the quality of the power and thus the music. I am not looking to argue if these products do as they advertise. I just want to learn more about the idea.
Misinformation. Troy works on both planes at least according to Miguel at tripoint...
Agear, can you specify? By misinformation do you mean: Incorrect information, or information meant to deceive?
You've done a good job of bringing attention to the benefit of addressing grounding an audio system, the more awareness the better for all of us music lovers. I'd hate to see this devolve into a pissing contest between the Tripoint Troy and the Entreq Silver Tellus. You have every reason to be proud of the Entreq given what its done for your system. I've read no negative comments on this product. The Troy although shrouded in some mystery has established a quite phenomenal track record the past 4 or 5 years of very devoted and happy owners. The products don't compete directly with each other both have their demographic niche. Buyers will decide which one suits their needs and objectives best. There's room for both of them in the High End market place and that's Ideal as far as Im concerned. Lets continue to spread the word about these products rather than have them battling each other.

You and I also agree on the significant attributes of balanced AC power trandformers and the utter naturalness, beauty and musical realism provided by SET amplifiers. Lets spread the joy.
Thank you, Charles. No issue with me, just feel compelled to extol the virtues of Entreq and have no reason to dispute the claims of the UK rep. Any grey areas are purely non intentional. As I've said, living in the UK, I'm never going to observe Troy in action, happy to settle on Entreq.
Tbh Agear, since Troy is only attached to components via the chassis screws, it's a little confusing to see how it works at the signal plane. Entreq plugs into rca/xlr/phono sockets so is closer to the signal by far. Maybe you or Miguel could explain how it does. Better than denials of Entreq claims with no follow up.
All in good spirit, just robust discussion. As Charles says, we're all ecstatic with our discovery of the phenomenal benefits of grounding, Entreq or Troy.
Hi Spirit,
I believe that you can get the Tripoint grounding wires with optional RCA connections if desired. Spirit, in all candor I can`t explain how the Troy works or all that it may affect,signal,ground,filtering etc. What I can attest to is the "stunning" improvement in sound quality.This thing is something else!