Help on Power conditioner

In my house the Power having a fluctuation and found voltage variation between day and night times. Here the voltage 230v and day time we are getting 210v and night time 220-230v.

I have pass lab xa.5 mono blocks hence I am worried about the safety. So, You all suggest me the best stabilizer or conditioner with surge production to buy.

One of my friend has informed me that Pass is not recommended any power stabilizer, conditioner or re generators. Is it correct ?

Any one using these kind of accessories for Pass lab products? How the performance
of the amps using these accessories?

I am expecting suggestions and advise from you all.

Thanks in advance.
If your power is fluctuating a power conditioner will not help, you will need an AC regenerator like PS Audio Powerplant P-3, or P-5, or P-10. I have the P-3 and it did wonders for my system. I think most amp manufacturers do not recommend conditioners because they are current limiting. Most modern AC regenerators are not current limiting.
I experienced the same problem at my home. I borrowed a balanced power supply from a friend built from a kit from Transcendent Sound. It was incredible the improvement was immiedate. At the time, I was running two Classe CA-150's in mono. I never ran out of power and connected my front end which quieted everything down. I bought the kit and love the unit. You can buy the unit built. I have friends with the aforementioned PS equipment and I am not the least bit envious. Saved a lot of money,too. Hope this helps. Steve
Rabbani, if I were you I would give the local power company a ring, and have them investigate your problem. 210V is below the UK and Australia mains voltage tolerance standard of +10%/-6% of 230V (253V-216.2V).

Is the daytime low always 210V year round? During the warmer months of the year, when more air conditioners are in use, it is not uncommon for voltage to fall a little below minimum tolerance due to the increased load on the system. The utility companies will also deliberately lower the voltage to reduce strain on the power grid, and prevent blackouts.
