SR PowerCell 10 SE MK2 or Running Springs Jaco?

Opinions please. Thanks.
Get a weizhi PRS-6 for $1200.00. It will outrun the RS DMitri as I had one.

The same as any component. Better technology, various kinds of improvements and innovations. To begin with, some are better than others.
2010 wanted an opinion on the two units listed. I gave it to him, out dated!

Do research and you will see there are newer units being made today that will easily outrun these old goats!! I had the RS DMitri. The Wezehi will run circles around the DMitri. The Purepower will out do it. $2.5 will get you a PP and you can upgrade the outlets and other parts later to have a killer unit.
Well, see the Purepower threads with a number of customer service and hum problems discussed. They give me second thoughts about that company.