SR PowerCell 10 SE MK2 or Running Springs Jaco?

Opinions please. Thanks.
2010 wanted an opinion on the two units listed. I gave it to him, out dated!

Do research and you will see there are newer units being made today that will easily outrun these old goats!! I had the RS DMitri. The Wezehi will run circles around the DMitri. The Purepower will out do it. $2.5 will get you a PP and you can upgrade the outlets and other parts later to have a killer unit.
Well, see the Purepower threads with a number of customer service and hum problems discussed. They give me second thoughts about that company.
I have always read good things about the Weizhi. Watch out, some of these power conditioners are gear -dependent, while others will steal/rob current from your system.
Well, as someone who has had BOTH in my system I might as well give my 2-cents.

Both are very good but I can easily say that the SR 10 SE MKII was better top to bottom. I was not the only one who heard the difference in my system. I had the Jaco and demoed the SR and sold the Jaco.

As far as 'old" tech, BS. That is like saying an amp or speaker that has a new model available is old tech and has no value and sounds bad. The earlier version still sounds as good as it did and at the reduced price is a great value.

That said I would also suggest that if you get the chance try the Equitech line as well.

They come highly regarded by many who have tried them.