Dueland CAST PIO

Hello I had a few questions regarding this cap and was wondering if any owners who have heard this cap first hand can help me out.

I am thinking about adding this as a CAP upgrade on the speakers I am trying to get. I have heard from owners on forums saying it made a significant difference to their speakers for the better, but when I contacted some other speaker manufacturers they tell me that just because you add the Dueland CAP does not necessarilly mean you will get better sound. They say withs ome speakers they might sound great, but with some other speakers, they might even make the sound quality lower.

My questions are.

1. Will the Dueland CAST PIO cap upgrade change the signature sound of the speaker as intended by the designer?
Or will it simply make everything sound a bit better not effecting the original sound?

2. How much did the Dueland CAST PIO improve your system?

Oops, I left out a word in my last post. I meant to say that an OIMP cap is not a particularly good sounding cap, with or without a bypass, and a Duelund CAST cap should surpass it easily and pretty much in all respects.
I don't know why anybody would say the OIMP isn't a good sounding cap. My experience, they're the best at their price point, and sound fantastic just as everything Chris VenHaus produces does.
Vapor1, I didn't mean to offend, but in the context we are talking about----Duelund CAST, V-Cap TFTF and CuTF, and Sonicap Platinum---the OIMP falls considerably short. I also don't find it to be a particularly good value. For the same or less money, I would choose a regular Mundorf Supreme (not Silver, Oil or Gold) or a Sonicap Gen1. Not to say that either of these is in the league mentioned above, but with proper selection of other parts they can provide very good sound for the dollar.

Duelunds really are at the top of the heap, however, at least in speaker crossovers.
Well said. Just a relative statement is all. In every single piece of gear I have placed them, amps, preamps, dacs, speakers, the result was astounding in terms of improvement. That is Duelund caps. Wish I could afford the silver Duelunds!