Apologies - the first time I Googled wiremold something else much less Impressive came up - you might find the Furman power bar will not perform any better than the wiremold.
A power conditioner might be your next best bet. This cleaned up my system until I could implement a much better power bar
Checkout the Furman PST-8 D - a little on the pricey side, but should work very well
The best config for any power bar is a "star" type connection ( see DIY power bar in my System for schematic)- where all outlets are connected to a central point, instead of simply connecting them in parallel. It has the same effect as connecting each plug into a wall outlet.
A power conditioner might be your next best bet. This cleaned up my system until I could implement a much better power bar
Checkout the Furman PST-8 D - a little on the pricey side, but should work very well
The best config for any power bar is a "star" type connection ( see DIY power bar in my System for schematic)- where all outlets are connected to a central point, instead of simply connecting them in parallel. It has the same effect as connecting each plug into a wall outlet.