Wiring main panel box for dedicated 20amp line.

I'm getting ready to install a dedicated 20 amp line and came across something I wasn't expecting. I have a single GE main panel box that's about ten years old. When I opened the box I was expecting to see neutral wires at one bus bar and the ground wires attached to the other, with the black wire - of course - attached to the circuit breaker.

Instead, I found the neutral and ground wires for each outgoing wire attached to the same bus bar on adjacent screws. I've since read that this is common practice and apparently up to code on a main panel.

To install a new 20 amp line, I could duplicate this setup with adjacent vacant spots on one of the bus bars and a new breaker, but I'm wondering if using a common bus bar for both the neutral and ground wires is suitable for a hi-fi application? The whole idea is, of course, to have a dedicated, properly grounded circuit for my gear. Also, if it's not ideal, would a small sub-panel be a desirable solution?

I'd be grateful for anyone's expertise. Thanks!
Jadem6,You are lucky that that works for you. The only problem with that is that having all high current stuff on one side can trip the main breaker. The main panel is 240 volts,120 on each side! Like I said it's great that it works for you!
You're better off, if you really need another 20 amp circuit to do it on the opposite side.
The breaker box should balanced on both sides, however dedicated lines for audio need to be on the same side. Searching the forums about this, dedicated lines on opposite sides is said to cause phase problems and increase the chance for ground loop hum.
Thanks for the responses. I only needed one outlet and I placed the ground and neutral wire in adjacent spaces on the right bus bar. I chose that one only because it's the one the main ground wire attaches too. Seems to be working fine. The far bigger issue was wishing the wire through the wall, but even that wasn't too bad.

For the main panel, the ground and neutral tie into the same bar, so what you did is correct. For a sub panel, they go to different bus bars.

T1s49: Vistualy every electronic device uses a power supply where you know, AC is converted to DC...

There hasn't been any issues with phasing of DC that I've ever heard of. Maybe I just don't have the experience...

Maybe I just need to hook up the old Techtronics scope and watch the sine wave for a few hours, sort of like watching the test pattern fot TV in days gone by...