Ground Loop Hum with balanced XLR cables only

I've been working to track down a ground loop/hum coming from my speakers. I've got an Integra DHC-9.9 connected via XLR cables to a BAT VT-6200 amplifier. I spent hours trying all sorts of things to eliminate and finally I swapped out the XLR cables for regular RCA unbalanced cables and voila the hum was gone.

Any ideas why this would be?

The three pins that make up the "XLR" are not always wired the same.
Consult the makers.
One or all of the XLR cables might be wired wrong/different (pin wise) which would make the ground pin not connected correctly.

Usually it's the other way around. RCAs will create hum/noise and the XLR will solve it.
Its probably because you’re running the amp balanced and the preamp SE. I've seen this type of hum several times. You may have to use the SE inputs on the amp. However, I've been able to fix the problem in the past with cables. Audioquest IC's with DBS was the cable that worked.