Hi Bruce,
Yes, of course I well recall the solution you arrived at, revolving around Tom Tutay's buffer. And it is certainly an excellent solution in your case.
What precipitated my comments that you've quoted is that the wording of your initial post above, the perhaps also Albert's initial post following my response to it, might have been construed by some to be implying that Mrschret should abandon the speaker-level approach he was trying to implement, and go for a line-level approach instead. You perhaps meant no such implication, and Albert subsequently made clear that he didn't, but your and his initial wording, it seemed to me, could easily have been interpreted that way.
Given particularly that your sub is pretty much just filling in the bottom octave, and assuming that your interconnect cables at the preamp outputs are not especially long and do not have particularly high capacitance per unit length, I see nothing less than ideal about your setup. (The reason I mention the last point is that if the two XLR outputs are both used, but are not individually buffered within the preamp, the interaction of preamp output impedance with the TOTAL of the capacitances of the cables attached to BOTH sets of outputs may affect the high frequency components of the signals sent from one of those output pairs to the main power amp).
-- Al
Yes, of course I well recall the solution you arrived at, revolving around Tom Tutay's buffer. And it is certainly an excellent solution in your case.
What precipitated my comments that you've quoted is that the wording of your initial post above, the perhaps also Albert's initial post following my response to it, might have been construed by some to be implying that Mrschret should abandon the speaker-level approach he was trying to implement, and go for a line-level approach instead. You perhaps meant no such implication, and Albert subsequently made clear that he didn't, but your and his initial wording, it seemed to me, could easily have been interpreted that way.
Given particularly that your sub is pretty much just filling in the bottom octave, and assuming that your interconnect cables at the preamp outputs are not especially long and do not have particularly high capacitance per unit length, I see nothing less than ideal about your setup. (The reason I mention the last point is that if the two XLR outputs are both used, but are not individually buffered within the preamp, the interaction of preamp output impedance with the TOTAL of the capacitances of the cables attached to BOTH sets of outputs may affect the high frequency components of the signals sent from one of those output pairs to the main power amp).
-- Al