A preamp is where you select the device you want to listen to i.e.. Vinyl, CD, Server, it also serves as a volume attenuation / gain device and it drives the cable and the power amp. Its the control center of your hifi system in short.
A integrated amplifier is a preamp and a power amp in one box.
Cables, contrary to what others may chime in with, is the least important thing to worry about, not saying they don't matter, however they are secondary. Source components, speakers, amplifiers and the room they go in should be considered first, then start worrying about cables.
There are many choices for "best bang for your buck" brands, of the ones you mention the only one I have any experience with is Arcam, they make very decent equipment.
Good Listening,
A integrated amplifier is a preamp and a power amp in one box.
Cables, contrary to what others may chime in with, is the least important thing to worry about, not saying they don't matter, however they are secondary. Source components, speakers, amplifiers and the room they go in should be considered first, then start worrying about cables.
There are many choices for "best bang for your buck" brands, of the ones you mention the only one I have any experience with is Arcam, they make very decent equipment.
Good Listening,