Give some thoughts to your listening habits. Where in the room will you be listening from? Where will/can the speakers go? How far away from walls?
Get speakers that will work well in your room and sound good where you listen from. Different kinds of speakers disperse sound in different directions differently. Are you going to set up a sweet spot and stay in it? If so, there are many options. If not, you should consider speakers that disperse sound more and sound better from more locations. Omnidirectional speakers are worth considering if you want good sound from many listening locations in the room.
Also consider how loud you will listen and if speakers can deliver clean extended bass as needed. LArger rooms are usually more of a challenge and may cost more to do really well in terms of speakers and amp to match that can bring out the best possible. Smaller rooms are easier.
These things are most important to think about up front. THen you are better prepared top decide what will likely work best.
Audition as much as possible before buying. In home demos are best but dealer demos and audio shows are good tools.
Lastly, do not overpay. Consider buying used if you are comfortable with that. That will make it easier to tweak and change as needed until just right without taking a big financial hit.
Get speakers that will work well in your room and sound good where you listen from. Different kinds of speakers disperse sound in different directions differently. Are you going to set up a sweet spot and stay in it? If so, there are many options. If not, you should consider speakers that disperse sound more and sound better from more locations. Omnidirectional speakers are worth considering if you want good sound from many listening locations in the room.
Also consider how loud you will listen and if speakers can deliver clean extended bass as needed. LArger rooms are usually more of a challenge and may cost more to do really well in terms of speakers and amp to match that can bring out the best possible. Smaller rooms are easier.
These things are most important to think about up front. THen you are better prepared top decide what will likely work best.
Audition as much as possible before buying. In home demos are best but dealer demos and audio shows are good tools.
Lastly, do not overpay. Consider buying used if you are comfortable with that. That will make it easier to tweak and change as needed until just right without taking a big financial hit.