Audiophile newbie

I'm a mid-twenties yuppie. I love good sound, but I'm also not reckless with money. What are some basics I should know about when in comes to audio set-up (pre-amps, amps, speakers). I actually don't understand what purpose a pre-amp serves.

Here are a couple straight-up questions:
What does a pre-amp do?
What are the concerns to consider when choosing cables?
What are the best "bang-for-your-buck" brands? (ifi, Arcam, Vanatoo?)
Have not heard anyone describe themselves as a Yuppie in 20+ years(lol)! I smell troll house cookies.
Yuppies are so 80's/Reagan era.

What is the modern equivalent of a yuppie then?

Do all smart phone owners qualify?
Something a little different to consider. Dynaudio Xeo wireless/amplified speakers. All you need is a source which connects to the transmitter and power near where the speakers will be located (since they have built in amps).
Have not heard Xeo but have never heard bad sounding Dynaudio and the Xeo design makes things very easy it would seem. Nice product!
Yuppies are so 80's/Reagan era.

What is the modern equivalent of a yuppie then?

Do all smart phone owners qualify?
The key word for yuppie is young, so "old farts" with a smartphone do not qualify. :-)