Our ability to hear differences is no less accurate than our ability to see or smell or feel differences. We'd all be dead at an early age otherwise. Those of us who enjoy this hobby have refined our hearing to a level more than the average person. The same goes for our other senses and those who employ them more than others on a regular basis be it due to hobby or employment.
With these differences come impressions that we catalogue in our memories. All it takes is a quick listen to something to familiarize oneself and then swapping out something to ascertain a difference. It's not that big a deal. The same goes for break in. It's right there, not going anywhere and we listen and listen and lo and behold, those tizzy highs are now softened; that midrange just opened up some: the bass just got tighter and more extended.
My hearing didn't just throw in the towel and told my brain to accept it. My brain didn't just say what the heck, it's not getting any better so let's move on. Nor am I now able to hear something that was always there and only realize it a week after. None of that makes any sense.
Someone should see how long it takes for this topic to resurface. Must be a slow news day, or Costco had a big sale on dead horses.
All the best,
With these differences come impressions that we catalogue in our memories. All it takes is a quick listen to something to familiarize oneself and then swapping out something to ascertain a difference. It's not that big a deal. The same goes for break in. It's right there, not going anywhere and we listen and listen and lo and behold, those tizzy highs are now softened; that midrange just opened up some: the bass just got tighter and more extended.
My hearing didn't just throw in the towel and told my brain to accept it. My brain didn't just say what the heck, it's not getting any better so let's move on. Nor am I now able to hear something that was always there and only realize it a week after. None of that makes any sense.
Someone should see how long it takes for this topic to resurface. Must be a slow news day, or Costco had a big sale on dead horses.
All the best,