Best of current 12ax7?

Any recommendations for the best readily available gold pin 12ax7's? Best in terms of sound quality, build quality and endurance.
I know most of the desirable NOS names but for this thread I'm thinking modern reasonably priced candidates.
I see Galen Carol also sells the EAT tubes. HE also sells the RFT tubes which I've never heard of.
my favorite new production are the Tung-sol gold pins, great balance between detail and warmth.
Would the PSvane's sound better than the EI 12AX7's? I have those in a CJ preamp phono section, was contemplating getting actual Telefunkens.
You asked about, "the best" of the modern 12AX7's,
in terms of build quality, sound quality and endurance. Seems
you already found it: the EAT!