HH Scott 350 fm tuner

I just bought a Stereomaster 350 tuner in good working condition. I went to someones house to pick it up and he had it playing through his desktop sized speakers but that was enough to decide that it was worth the $100.00 price tag.
The problem that I had in setting it up is that my cable rca males are too large for the narrow and close together rca female inputs on the back of the 350 chassis. I was able to partially plug in the monster cable ends but I'm getting very low volumes so I had to turn up the volume on my ASR Emitter II all the way just to hear anything. I'd rather use the Monster Cable than a $3.00 cable from Walmart.
I'm wondering what other people have done to remedy this problem. My initial thought is to find extensions that will fit on the end of the Monster Cable but will also plug into the Stereomaster however my question being, which extensions and where do I find them?

Very familiar with Scott tuners, and yes, it's a problem using better cables on them.

IMHO, right angle extensions may also be to large, especially the better ones, and even the cheap adapters tend to be larger than cheap RCA cables due to the nature of the construction.

Not easy to find, but some better cables used a slender RCA, like the original Audience Conductor. I have a friend that uses these on a Scott tuner with no problem.
I was about to suggest Audience Conductor myself. I use them on an old Fisher 400, with excellent results.
Agree with Onhwy61. If you're audiophile and perfectionist obsessed with quality of interconnects, forget about vintage stuff -- they won't match it and OP already heard it from more than one contributor...

Recommendation to use angled adapters is TOTALLY outside of audiophile concept and purity. What's the point to add an extra ANGLED connection?? Dood, you'll come back to the quality of $3 Walmart or Trisonic cable even with yer Monstor interconnects or Transparent or Schmonster, because connection quality is substantially more critical than quality of wire. In blind A/B you'll guess 50% wrong or more percentage towards $3 Walmart. In both cases you again and again come back to $3 Trisonic or Walmart cable.
There are some modern ICs that are minimalist design and not overbuilt and will work fine with vintage gear, FWIW.

DNM Reson is my preferred IC and will fit most anything if desired. Would work nicely with vintage gear FWIW.
The problem wasn't exactly the connection as I had thought. I found a pair of right angle adapters for less than a cheaper interconnect cable at Radio Shack and at a certain angle, they both fit tight.
My problem is that I don't have enough neutral between the tuner and my DAC. They're somewhat close together but not so much so that I could have envisioned this to be a problem. So what to do; disconnect the DAC interconnects at the back of the amp and the volume increases exponentially.
Fortunately I don't listen to a a lot of radio so I won't have to go through this routine very often.
Anybody know where I can find a 350 Stereomaster manual and schematic? I'm thinking about comparing the multiplex circuitry with the 310 E to see if if I can modify it in the 350 as well as other tweaks (by my tech.). I'm assuming that now the 350 is probably operating at around 50%.