The Plasmatron - more linear output voltage

From the website: "The Plasmatron provides a more linear voltage output."

Can someone explain why this would be beneficial as an ideal power supply is a sine wave? If it produced a sawtooth wave it could be more linear, but a sawtooth wave is what the cheapest transistors use.

A EE friend of mine is baffled by this claim. Can someone shed some light?
A friend of mine left his on 24/7 and he well past a year and no issues....a lot of tube hours. I turn mine off. No need to add tube hours. The tubes MUST be matched and VH Audio has the world's only known tube matcher for C3JA, C6JA.... (they designed and built one). Tube life is significantly extended. Plasmatech

AC voltage is a sine wave, as your EE friend points out. However, it is expressed as a single value, e.g., 120 V or 117 V etc. That value is actually the root mean square (RMS) of the entire sine wave. One possibility is that the claim regarding linearity is with respect to the RMS. If the AC is linear, it is not AC, it is DC.

RJA, I don't know how much about tubes might be taught in current schools. In a sense, it is irrelevant. A good program produces graduates who are self educators, not just people who can regurgitate what one of their professors said 16 years ago.

Chris is a straight shooter. I have bought enough stuff from him that I trust what he says. Plus, there is a 14 day trial. If my life weren't in a complete state of flux, I would give one of these a try myself.
The assumption on this board is that EE's know everything there is to know about audio. Excuse me if I disagree.
"How much experience do modern EE's have with this old technology? Maybe he needs to do some research. Tubes are probably not covered extensively in Electrical Engineering school although they probably were at one time. Plus this is a unique tube in that is filled with inert gas rather than a vacuum.
Rja (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

The real question is "How much experience does an EE have in designing high end audio equipment?". The only EE's I trust are the ones who put their money were their mouth is, and design the audio equipment I buy. Who cares what all the other ones say?
Plasmatech, which high $ power cords and conditioners have you used? Needed to put your comment in context.