Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved

Unable to respond to, "Mach2Music and Amarra: Huge Disappointment"- Thread. Other Members take free pop-shots!
Apparently some have more Freedom Of Speech than others! I
don't know how many times I have said it, I want Computer
Audio to succeed! It will only succeed if Computers are designed from the ground up to reproduce Music (Same minimum standard applied for Equipment of ALL Audio Formats)! This is common sense Audio Engineering Design. Bandaid Modifications cannot be substituted for absence in design to produce Music! Design it right to EARN the right to become a New Audio Format- same as all other Audio Formats! No Freebee's, No Cutting Corners! Lack of design is what's causing such varied results in S.Q. between
listeners of Computer Audio. I see about 50% negative
responses here on these Threads. It will continue to happen unless you fix it! Blaming me won't help! I am an
Engineer, and I can read results! 50/50 success/ failure
rate- you have an inherit Engineering Design Flaw for the
reproduction of Music via Computers! Shock! Suprise- since
they were never designed for Music! So when is someone finally going to properly design the Equipment/Computer
(From the ground up) for Computer Audio? Do we continue
to treat any real criticism as "HERESY" in the lack of
design in Computer Audio for Music? You tell me what I am
allowed to talk about, and we will both know!

So you do not have a server? You have a CD player that can only play red-book and possibly SACD at best. Is that correct?

Sometimes I feel we speak different languages. Am I correct in thinking that you would not even consider something like the Weiss MAN202?

I thought this would be your dream? No computer, just all the convienience of one with a damn good DAC with volume control all activated via an iPad/iPhone etc. You can play CDs as well as all the other files. Surely this has your name on it? Or is that killing off everything & not viable yet?
Petty, it is proof that I asked for - proof that we are trying to wipe out all other formats. This is what you are accusing us of and you have presented no proof at all, just more of your tired diatribe.

Accusing me of double talk? Really?? I call that the pot calling the kettle black.

"Four things that I believe are worth fighting for: CD, Vinyl, Computer
Audio, and the free use of "ALL" of these Formats. "

This is exactly what we have - free use of all these formats. I think your arguments are running out of steam - at least until you show the proof that should be forthcoming with all of your accusations.
What part of, "Soon all New Music will only be available as
Music Downloads" do you not understand?
What part of, "If you don't believe that Computer Audio has
arrived yet as a viable replacement for CD, or even Vinyl..." do you not understand?
These are overt aggressive statements threatening
Impending Doom for all other Audio Formats. These words are
being used to persuade, and convince. Can you read the
"Proof" between the lines of these Statements? Can you read
the intent? What more proof do you need from an Ultimatum?
What does the word "Ultimatum" mean to you- an absence of
proof? Even by definition, an Ultimatum is pretty definitive. It pretty much means "absence of any doubt",
yet you still have your doubts? These are threats, they are meant to cajoule- they are meant to intimidate.
Certainly intimidate those who demand to use other Audio Formats. In case you haven't noticed, I don't give into
intimidation very well. I also demand choices. One choice
is not a Free Market- more like Slavery! Force us into one
Audio Format with "Impending Doom" statements like these-
is overt aggressive Slavery. Freedom is giving Consumers the power of choice, not using Impending Doom Intimidation
to eliminate choice. There is a big difference even if you can't see it. One means that you are under threat if you
don't comply with your Audio Format Purchases- got it?
Yeah, this makes my skin crawl alright! Like having a gun
held to your head. You are being hyper aggressive shoving
Computer Audio down everyone's throat, some are bound to
be a little aggressive right back. You are surprised?
I thought we were just talking about listening to a few tunes. I enjoyed mine last night, all redbook stuff downloaded to my PC. Beats my old CD player... you remember when CD's were DOOMED?
Did you try my "going fishin" suggestion? Why all this stress?
Poor Pettyofficer,

Change is the only guarantee. Nothing stands still. Doomed is the thing that does.

I can feel your pain. Market forces are cornering you. I'm sure you'll be able to find your other formats in the future. You could even burn (I mean record!) your own CDs.

But I and others have given you all the information you need to escape being like the doomed dinosaurs looking up at that meteor coming at them.

Just like them, you will see the dust will settle & leave smaller more efficient critters to go further than any giant lizard ever dreamed of.

You are just experiencing the convergence of medias & their technologies. It is, & will be amazing in everyway. You must have been unlucky so far.

But I have heard the finest quality from some of these devices with excellent interaction, control & freedom. You obviously have not. That is a shame. But not surprising.

Everything is moving very fast, which means you have to too, or be left behind with all your vinyl & magnets.

We are even seeing the end of the USA & europe as dominant global powers... Who would have thought that would happen quite so fast? Will you still be listening to vinyl when the Yen is the new global currency & oil a fuel of the past?