Need to hide cables

I'm looking for a rack that has cable management features that enable me NOT to be looking at a rats nest of cable
everytime I listen to music !
I don't care what it looks like, how it sounds or anything else but not looking at cables.
My limit is about $1500 .
When you say cable management features, what did you have in mind? Is it that you don't want to see the cables from your listening position or is the back of you current rack visible? Also, what kind of cables do you have? You may have to take into account how stiff they are.
Are you sure you don't care what it ends up sounding like, for the sake of how it looks? If you have some unshielded cables positioned parallel and tight up against each other, there might be some unwanted repercussions.

All the best,
I think you are being short-sided in your thinking. Turn down/off the lights and just enjoy the music. Cables are just another component that you can show off, do not sacrifice sound for cosmetics.
I know how to position and isolate cables.I listen to classical music 5-6 hours a day, every day. Run 5 thick power cables and 3 pairs of MIT CVT 2 IC's with CVT-2 bi-wire SC.
Plus Morrow TT cable.3 power cables to PS audio Dectet,
Every thing is on two Salamander Archtype 3 shelf racks side by side with amp on custom floor stand.
Don't want to see any cable from the front save those on amp.