Need to hide cables

I'm looking for a rack that has cable management features that enable me NOT to be looking at a rats nest of cable
everytime I listen to music !
I don't care what it looks like, how it sounds or anything else but not looking at cables.
My limit is about $1500 .
I think you are being short-sided in your thinking. Turn down/off the lights and just enjoy the music. Cables are just another component that you can show off, do not sacrifice sound for cosmetics.
I know how to position and isolate cables.I listen to classical music 5-6 hours a day, every day. Run 5 thick power cables and 3 pairs of MIT CVT 2 IC's with CVT-2 bi-wire SC.
Plus Morrow TT cable.3 power cables to PS audio Dectet,
Every thing is on two Salamander Archtype 3 shelf racks side by side with amp on custom floor stand.
Don't want to see any cable from the front save those on amp.
Yeah, Schubert--you go, dude!!!

Wish I could listen that much--maybe someday...?

Good luck in your search for the cable solution.
If you have the space, maybe pulling the rack out a bit into the room to better position the cables. If space is a consideration, somehow fastening or anchoring them to points on the wall with ties of some sort.

All the best,
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