Apartment Drama

Hi- I recently moved from my house to a 2nd floor apt with 1 apt on each side and 1 below. 3pm today I turned my stereo on for the 1st time. Low volume IMO. Hard to describe but no problem having a conversation without even raising my voice. within 10 minutes my neighbor knocked on my door acting irratated demanding I turn the volume down. WTF? Now what. Do I have any rights or do I have to obey this jerk?
Does your complex have rules about noise? Usually there are rules limiting noise to certain hours. You should be within your rights to play music at moderate volume at 3pm. It's up to you. Does the neighbor own guns?
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Headphones usually have capabilities to provide better definition and imaging and the best piecefull solution.
My other solution would be to advice neighbors to appear next time knocking at your door with presence of police officer(s) only. Cops less-likely will open the case or even will care to arrive for minor neighbor troubles thus leaving your neighbor 'grouchy' and somewhat 'upset' and probably seeking some mental help. Had similar neighbor by myself always knocking at my door and complaining about my noisy kids playing in the middle of the day.
While you being PIA to your neighbors you can always place your speakers on cardboard boxes as Elizabeth suggested. I found Egg boxes work best and somewhat as good as dedicated speaker stands.