Where to Buy Audiophile Recordings with a Smile

I recently started using a major internet audio supplier for my lp's, sacd's and cd recordings. They usually come up number 1 in searches for lps (not Amazon). I probably spent close to $1,000 in the last 4 months with this company. Unfortunately I received an album that I didn't open after buying and when I finally did 4 months later the record was sonically a mess. I emailed customer service, explained my situation and asked if anything could be done. Since I found the problem after the 1 month return policy they said "no". I explained that I buy lots of recordings, also from some other sources but with my business schedule I don't always get to the new recordings in a timely manner and would they be willing to make an exception this time since I had listened to the majority of what they had sent me with no concerns. A second email indicated "no" so this company to save $20 and uphold their return policy has lost a customer.

Any suggestions on whom you've used over the years and that you have developed a good relationship with in all facets of being the buyer?
What do you mean by the record being sonically a mess? Was it contain pressing defects or did it just not sound good?
I wish you would mention the name of this retailer.A policy is necessary so people do not abuse the return of records they don't like,but the ability to modify that policy under certain circumstances is the hallmark of a great retailer who values your business.This is why I open and play all records immediately upon arrival and make sure it is as it should be.
The above listed link to Audiophileusa is a good example of vinyl price gouging and I know for a fact those guys travel around and buy records out of stores and swap meets and record shows and mark them up,up,up.They should be compensated for their efforts,but those prices are really right out of the classic used car lot mentality of stick it to the consumer.
I guess they have a market for 5.00 $ records priced at 50.00 with a little "white glove" service,it beckons me to encourage you to get out there and hunt for records and eliminate the middleman.
Hope you find the online retailer of your dreams and not the nightmare policy freaks and the vinyl vermin buck squeezers.
They are price gougers, that's why I'll only pay up to $35 for an original LP which is what Soundstage Direct charges for a reissue.

OTOH, there is Loran Records, a small online retailer with some great deals, but are less accurate at rating.
If by "good relationship" you mean a seller that
would accept a return after 4 months - No, I have not.
Irvington Music in Oregon is a good choice, I have had great experiences with them, accurate ratings, quick response, easy to deal with. Irvmusic.com