The Power of Assumptions

A few weeks ago I was in some leadership classes at work that were taught by an PhD Industrial Psychologist. It was very interesting and I learned a lot. He was very knowledgeable about what is going on inside the brain during different actions and thought processes. One example was that the act of throwing a ball to someone on the move (i.e. playing catch) uses the same pathways in your brain that all delayed gratification decisions do. You are holding the ball while visualizing where the ball and person will meet at a point in the future. This is why it is very important to play arch with your kids. It trains their brains to use these pathways and help them develop the skills necessary to delay gratification.

How does this relate to audio? Another thing he takes about was the power of assumptions. When we believe/assume that something is true the way our brain reacts to it chemically and electrically is identical rather it is in fact true or not. The secondary effect that happens is that we then become supremely aware of every little thing that supports our assumption and we blindly ignor anything contradictory. He said that this is why it is so difficult to get someone to change their opinion of you. His point was that we needed to be aware of this involuntary response and be willing to ask ourselves if there was any other way to look at a given situation.

It made me think about how this directly relates to audio. What we assume can actually have a stronger impact our experience than the objective facts. For example, if I assume that solid state amplifiers are inferior it will be extremely difficult for me to have a positive experience with one because my brain will be working overtime to find a way to support my assumption. It might take hearing a solid state amplifier while believing it to be a tube amplifier to force my to be objective and at least consider that a solid state amplifier might sound great.
@M- My statement: "The fact may be that a vast number
are weak-minded enough, to ALLOW their hopes, assumptions
and preconceived notions cloud their ability to objectively
or accurately judge what they hear." That has nothing
whatever to do with what I, or anyone else, might hear. Nor,
would that apply to only audio, in their life experience.
It would simply cloud their ability to think logically and
observe without bias, which(I think most would agree) seems
a weakness. Of course; you inferred what you wanted, based
on your assumptions, from what I posted.
Happy listening.
These preconceived notions of weak minds are not necessarily a bad thing. If they can hear improvement that's fine - what difference does it make if improvement is real or only in their head?

One of the reviewers claimed better bass control with hard cones under amplifier, explaining that original feet are made of soft rubber OBVIOUSLY making soft rubbery bass. Was it real or only in his head? It doesn't matter - he heard it.
Kijanki, if it's all in one's head without regard to any physical reality, then why even have a audio system? Just listen to the music in your head.
One truism all good business people know well is that perception matters the most in many cases.

Engineers and scientists may know this as well, but that is not what their practice is about.
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