Paint that helps diffuse sound?

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal about a doctor that built a new $3 million dollar house to house his own organ, indicated he used a specialty wall paint to to help diffuse sound. Anyone done the same?
I suspect blue walls would sound the best and green ceiling. Yes, I'm serious.
What if it doesn't sound good after you finish painting? Lots of things sound good on paper.
That's a very nice home organ setup referenced from what I read.

Whoever wrote the article might be willing to investigate the sound diffusing paint used in more detail if asked. I can't find any reference to such a thing via google search otherwise. I guess there are some things that cannot be Googled effectively. Which means, Machina Dynamica will be all over it. Ask Geoffkait about it or just keep an eye out there and see what might pop up.

why not, one other found tweak will bring a small or large fortune stripped from foolish. i always respect that but don't buy of course.