Do you demag or destat your CDs/DVDS?

Just curious about these CD tweaks. The Furutech destat machine is tempting at around $350--I like their products. What is the story behind Furutech's discontinuation of their RD2 disc demagnetizing station? I see it was taken up by Acoustic Revive as the RD3, a supposedly improved version. Did it not prove effective by Furutech's standards, or did they let it go in favor of their much more expensive demagnetizer for vinyl and CD? Just wondering if the RD3 does work to improve sound. There isn't much mention of it in the past few years.
I repent if that is the article I am remembering. It is actually showing the opposite. It seems familiar so I was just admit to being wrong with having a specific example. This doesn't change my opinion of the thread subject though.
What Czarivey and Mceljo are asking for is scientific proof that the minute magnetic fields produced either by the spinning disc or the paint on the top of the disc have any audible effect.
07-10-14: Timrhu
scientific proof......

What scientific proof can be presented why ICs and speaker cables can sound different when connected to audio equipment?

How about,

Power cords?

Mains power duplex receptacles?

Dedicated circuits?

Lots of theory why..... scientific proof?

How about NOS vacuum tubes vrs current production tubes?
Scientific proof?

How about a little real life experience with an item before slamming a product as being snake oil. Or at least research the item for bad press and then post the info found.

As for Czarivey and Mceljo, I furnished Links providing info on the Furutech RD-1, RD-2 and the Acoustic Revive RD-3. I challenged Czarivey to find any bad review/s by any recognized audio review magazine, he supplied none. Google is your friend.
Mceljo response, reviewers are biased. LOL, he never did answer my question where he learned of Blue Jeans cables. It couldn't of been a review in a magazine.

Best regards,
I use Blue Jeans Cables because from my research on what aspects of cable design impact spin quality the most. My conclusion was that the gage of the cable reducing the resistance so I have 10 awg cables. Did I hear a difference? Not definitively, but they are well made affordable cables that make swapping my speakers from my receiver to my tube amplifier a quick process.

When it comes to bias, simply listening for a change is enough to hear a change. If it is a tweak then any change is likely to be interpreted as positive because that is the suggested outcome. This is true for a lot more than just audio...
The thought occurs to me that demagnetizers like the Walker Talisman can also be used for demaging cables, especially interconnects. Can anyone think of why cables might need demaging? They also appreciate ionizing.
Uh, I'm pretty sure the primary reason you don't see too many negative reviews is that the magazine, wisely, doesn't wish to put someone out of business with a negative review, especially if it's a small company.