I use Craigslist all the time and find good deals regularly.
If you consider all the effort involved in selling something to a party you have never met, packaging, shipping, PayPal fees and the rest, it often makes sense to sell something for significantly less and avoid all that hassle.
The buyer comes to you, pays cash, no packing, no shipping, no returns or feedback hassles..
Especially if the item is heavy or delicate, Craigslist is a viable option.
The seller will often take less for an item since they are not reaching the widest audience and just want rid of what ever it is without giving it away.
What you need to watch for is e-mail address harvesters who sell your address to spammers for 5 cents. Instruct them to include a word or phrase in their response to filter out the bots and insist on a phone number.
If you consider all the effort involved in selling something to a party you have never met, packaging, shipping, PayPal fees and the rest, it often makes sense to sell something for significantly less and avoid all that hassle.
The buyer comes to you, pays cash, no packing, no shipping, no returns or feedback hassles..
Especially if the item is heavy or delicate, Craigslist is a viable option.
The seller will often take less for an item since they are not reaching the widest audience and just want rid of what ever it is without giving it away.
What you need to watch for is e-mail address harvesters who sell your address to spammers for 5 cents. Instruct them to include a word or phrase in their response to filter out the bots and insist on a phone number.