The problem with buying used equipment anywhere is that sometimes the product is stolen. If that is the case, you can be prosecuted for receiving stolen goods. Even if you thought it was legitimate. I try to ask for a copy of the receipt from buyers. Some times it has changed hands many times so records are lost in time. But, if you take a product in for service or repair. Many times there are lists at the repair facility of stolen items. They check that list and then call the police. When you go to pick up the item, guess what? The police are waiting for you. If you can show your receipt of purchase and they can contact the previous owner, you may not be prosecuted. But, I do like buying fairly local so that I may go see the item and question the seller. If that isn't possible, I will by used from my favorite store in San Diego or on Audiogon (with my fingers crossed). But, asking lots of questions helps me to get a better feeling about the product, its history and the seller. If they don't want to answer the questions, or are very reluctant to answer, or their answers are questionable, I'll walk.