Petty - there is no such thing as 32-bit CD. It is 16/44 - period. It may be mastered in 32-bit but you are NOT hearing 32-bit resolution.
With computer audio, the possibility exists for 32-bit resolution but not with CD. My current DAC is 32-bit so all I need is the download resolution and voila - I'll have true 32-bit resolution in my system. Just a matter of time before that becomes a reality. I would be very surprised if there is ever a commercially available 32-bit optical disc and player.
If resolution is what you want, a CD player is most definitely NOT the answer.
If availability and selection is what you want, MLP, SACD and DVDa are most definitely NOT the answer.
Why are YOU continually proving MY point?
Nobody trying to deprive you of anything here - just trying to set the record straight and address your confusion, misunderstanding and paranoia.
With computer audio, the possibility exists for 32-bit resolution but not with CD. My current DAC is 32-bit so all I need is the download resolution and voila - I'll have true 32-bit resolution in my system. Just a matter of time before that becomes a reality. I would be very surprised if there is ever a commercially available 32-bit optical disc and player.
If resolution is what you want, a CD player is most definitely NOT the answer.
If availability and selection is what you want, MLP, SACD and DVDa are most definitely NOT the answer.
Why are YOU continually proving MY point?
Nobody trying to deprive you of anything here - just trying to set the record straight and address your confusion, misunderstanding and paranoia.