Chadeffect- so I can Download the same "Multi-track", apply
the same software to get the same result? How do you know
which Releases "DO", "DO NOT" use a Surround Microphone?
So we will be stuck with "Two-Channel" High Res. Downloads,
limited to 24/192 glass ceiling? I suppose we wont be able
to use Surround Sound Microphones there either? Neither will we be able to use 32 Bit, or DXD. If you are not
Downloading the Multi-Track, then you are Downloading a
Two-Channel Remastered Copy. You claim that High Res. is
Remastered the same either on Disk, or Download. I ask:
So where are the Multi-Channel 24/96,24/192 Downloads to
replace the MLP Disks? So where are the Multi-Channel DSD
SACD Downloads to replace the SACD Disks? So where are the
Remastered Blue-Ray Audio Downloads to replace the Blue-ray
Audio Disks? Are we supposed to make these ourselves with
nothing more than a 24/192 Two-Channel High Res. Download
"FLAC" Music File? We have to "Remaster" our own Music on
our Computer, and pay for the priviledge? I have my collection of "Master Tapes" of all Music from all ages. I
will dig them out of the attic, and get right on that!
Hfisher3380- the fact that you still argue this point
belies your intent. You argue to death the benefit of going
all Downloading Format sans other Formats. Then go "Ponchous Pilate" washing your hands of all respondsibility. You act like you never seen "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads" on this
Thread, or any other. You act like you never have heard these words. Now First time you have "EVER" heard them? Then you argue, and defend them ad nauseum. Your numerous defenses of the intent behind these words, is a constantly
rotating door of endless examples! You want an example, look in the mirror. It will make you dizzy, it makes me
dizzy just looking at it. I might loose my hands trying to
grab just O-N-E example- PASS!
I am not willing to play at your level of pretend
ignorance. You wear your intent tattooed on your forehead.
I am supposed to play ignorant in treating you like the
"Emperor and his new clothes". I am not playing games!
I am fighting for my Music, you want to severely restrict my access to my Music. Magically I lose selection everyday
with optical disk. You say "It isn't us, give us an example". I open your holy Bible of promoting Computer
Audio Downloading. Your first Commandment says, "Soon all
New Music will only be available as Music Downloads". Your
Bible also describes this as "Inevitable", and "Unavoidable". Either you guys are promoting this belief, or it is being ordained by God. Don't see the God
connection, "DO" see alot of guys "PLAYING GOD". Must be a
special place for those whose ego is based on stealing
someone else's Music. Paranoid, sure- NOW GIVE ME THE CHOICE OF MY DAMN MUSIC BACK!!! Enough of trying to
manipulate everyone by Rook, or by Crook. You are not very good at know the rest! "PARANOID" because I
demand a "CHOICE", I can live with that! I cannot live with "COMPUTER BUREAUCRATS" running bureaucratic interference, rules, regulations, and technobabble between
me and my Music. Yours is a "JIHAD", or "HOLY CRUSADE"
against Optical Disks. You don't understand why some of us get upset with being swepted up in some of your "REFORMS"?
If you can't understand- I don't know what to tell you!
Are you going to demand that we all get "BAPTISED" in the
Holy Order of "Computer Audio"? Foresake all other beliefs-
(Formats)? I always hated "NECROMONGERS"! I think, therefore I am, and I can choose. I choose not to be caged
like an animal with the chain of a single Format hanging
around my neck. "I AM A FREE MAN"! I can see beyond the
boundaries of my Computer Screen, just like I can see beyond the end of my nose. How about you? You haven't got the Selection- WORK ON IT! GETTING TIRED OF SAYING THAT!