Is It Ironic?

There's a type of thread on Audiogon where somewhere asks "is this piece of equipment obsolete?" Or a similar type of thread where the question is "has there been progress in some equipment category since" some arbitrary date. The consensus answer to the former is usually yes, the equipment is obsolete. That's even when the equipment in question is only ten years old. The consensus to the latter question is always that there's been significant progress in equipment. Digital is better, loudspeakers are better, amps are better, cables are better, etc. What I find ironic is that much of the music used to ascertain the improvements in equipment was recorded fifty years ago. The touchstone recordings by RCA, Mercury, Columbia, Decca and Blue Note were made with equipment that was being retired as obsolete when Brian Jones was the guitar player with the Rolling Stones. We're using newer and newer equipment to find out that old recordings made with "antique" equipment actually sounds really good. Ironic?
"08-21-14: Jmcgrogan2

08-20-14: Zd542
Look at it from another angle. If you took a well produced 50 year old record and played it on high quality equipment from that period, and then put the same record on modern equipment of the same quality, chances are you'll hear a lot more of what's on the record.

That may be true, more modern gear does offer more resolution. The question though, is more resolution always a good thing? Using Onhwy61's analogy of looking at the Mona Lisa under a 20X magnification seems apt. Should the art work simply be looked at and/or listened to and enjoyed, or must it be dissected and studied?"

I don't see where having newer, more revealing equipment available to us, is anything other that a very good thing. Why? Because we have choices. You don't have to buy anything you don't want to. Some people like vintage gear, while others like state of the art. Nothing wrong with that. Just buy whatever you prefer.
What's Ironic is when a newbie asks for an opninon on starting a system and then gets chastised by senior members on here telling them to go listen to gear and let your ears decide and then said members go post and often get in to heated debates on topics that are subjective at best. I love this site.
"08-22-14: Chrshanl37
What's Ironic is when a newbie asks for an opninon on starting a system and then gets chastised by senior members on here telling them to go listen to gear and let your ears decide and then said members go post and often get in to heated debates on topics that are subjective at best. I love this site."

That's just pure genius. So its wrong of us to make recommendations if someone asks? And on top of that, its wrong to advise someone to listen to the equipment and make a selection based on what they here?

What are you supposed to do with stereo equipment? I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed do listen to it. I think that was the intent of the designers who made it.

And the nerve of us for debating the subjective qualities of the gear in question. lol. Why would anyone want to do that?

I think you may have missed one small point. In your post you say this "What's Ironic is when a newbie asks for an opninon on starting a system". That's a purely subjective question. It can't be answered with anything other than a subjective opinion. That's why its an opinion in the first place. I don't see how you can fault someone for properly answering a question. But I'm sure you'll try.
I think you missed my point....I never said it was bad advice to tell someone to go out an listen before buying. In fact its the only sensible response. However, many on here will skewer a fist or second time poster for asking questions that for many of us find quite rudimentary and will give a sarcastic response and follow it up with "let your ears decide".

There are many posts on here from senior members who have stated such questions from new members are irritating. But those same members will attack others for having opinions on gear vs gear threads and get into heated debates on which is better. These feeble arguments are nver settled and the forums are full of them as you know. I guess I find it rather ironic that letting your ears decide often times only goes so far on here.
08-22-14: Chrshanl37
What's Ironic is when a newbie asks for an opninon on starting a system and then gets chastised by senior members on here telling them to go listen to gear and let your ears decide and then said members go post and often get in to heated debates on topics that are subjective at best. I love this site.

Yes, it certainly is ironic. As you can see, there are NO absolute answers in this subjective hobby. Which always makes the threads asking "What is the Best XYZ?" so amusing and comical, since obviously, there is no "best" of anything.